Lou Xianhua 娄宪桦

Writer, Cultural Critic, and Photographer

Lou Xianhua also works as a college teacher at Wuhan Huaxia Institute of Technology.

娄宪桦 英语教师 武汉华夏理工学院外国语学院

Lou Hsienhua, or Lou Xianhua (娄宪桦), is a bilingual writer who earned his first master’s degree in translation and interpreting (English translation) at a university in the city of Wuhan and is currently doing his second master’s program in English Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He writes about topics that attract his attention and interests and founded the website: Philosophical Imagination of Aesthetics and Creative Writing, aka PIACW (www.loulin.org), aiming to explore and investigate the links between our ever changing reality and metaphysical transcendence.

His interests in and focus on social issues that matter to those whose cultural and social invisibility has long been unexamined and unaddressed lead him to start mixing philosophical understanding with his own cultural writing. His is a form of writing appearing both personal and insightful.

Education Background

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (MA in English Studies for the Professions), Hong Kong, 香港理工大学 英语语言文学 硕士

Master of Translation and Interpreting, South-central Minzu University, Wuhan, Hubei. 中南民族大学 英语笔译 硕士


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

He can be reached at: mail@photography.loulin.org and tommy@loulin.org

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